Monday, 6 January 2014

Monday, Monday

It's the beginning of a new school term here in the UK, my teenage daughters have just left the building in what can only be described as a New Year miracle - there were no arguments, the house didn't get turned upside down, and I am feeling positive. Maybe, just maybe, we were a little more organised this morning? It feels that way.
I do, do this....I have a habit of getting super-duper organised, an organisational warrior, if you will - but it never lasts. Before too long the snooze button on the alarm clock gets pressed a few times too many, the shoes are never in the place I swore I left them the night before and  chaos ensues. But, the world likes a trier, so with that in mind, here is my weekly bookish to-do list -

READ THE LUMINARIES - I am prioritising this in the Bout of Books readathon so with some luck I will get it finished. By the way folks, it's massive (832p), it's complex, it's written like a Victorian novel and has about 20 main characters. All things I love, all things that take time to digest.  Review it.

Ugh, this cover is porn

WRITE SOME REVIEWS - aka Project Blog Revival, I read some great books in 2013 and I need to write about them.

I have a good chance of completing these things because it's January and, if I was an unfortunate sufferer of bi-polar, this would definitely be classed as a manic episode of a month for me. I am on fire. Whether it'll be a flash in a pan or an eternal flame who knows (one thing is for certain, my fire analogies are amazing).

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